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Digital Marketing

Free Taxi in Cork

I have often said that Irish taxi company’s don’t do enough marketing and branding. There is very little differentiation in the marketplace and there is no particular reason I would call one company over another, other than “that’s who I usually use” (mainly because they know where I live and it saves me giving directions).

So it’s refreshing to see a Cork based taxi company, making the effort to grab my attention and stand out from the rest, by using technology and a clever integrated marketing campaign.

The idea is simple. Download the App, book a taxi and if the “Free taxi” turns up …you don’t pay.Cork, Free Taxi, App

And yes, of course….I would have putting a QR Code on the bus, that brings you directly to the app!

Their website is  definitely honed more towards the corporate client and they have been creating some great brand awareness recently by  partnering up with Cork City FC.

Either way, could this be the start of a revolution in how we order taxi’s in cork? Probably not. But they got my attention!




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